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Doteky proTyp doteku
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Obráběcí stroj
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- Laserové trackery
Absolute Arm
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Metrology SoftwareProduction Software
Metrology Trainings
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- Cables
Sensor cable to transmit measuring signals from Hexagon receivers to machine tool controls. Shielded cable with M12/F12 plug and open wires. Length: 15 m / 49.2'
Extension cable for Hexagon Sensor cables with M12/F12 plug. Length: 10 m (32.8')
Connecting cable to transmit measuring signals from Hexagon receivers and tool setters to machine tool controls. Shielded cable with M12/F08 plug and open wires. Length: 10 m (32.8')
Connecting cable to transmit measuring signals from Hexagon receivers to Heidenhain iTNC 530 HSCI and TNC 620, 640 controls, control input X112. Shielded cable with M12/F08 and DSUB HD/M15 plug. Length: 15 m (49.2')
Extension cable for Hexagon connecting cables with M12/F08 plug and open wires. Length: 10 m (32.8')
Universal connecting cable to transmit measuring signals from Hexagon receivers and tool setters to Fanuc High Speed Skip controls. Shielded cable with M12/F08 plug and open wires. Length: 6 m (19.7')