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- Target D1=5 mm white coded No. 2-150 (P)
Target D1=5 mm white coded No. 2-150 (P)
Kód produktu:
Ceny jsou platné pouze pro objednávky uskutečněné prostřednictvím internetového obchodu
Skladem – doba odeslání 1-2 dny
Rychlý přehled
Set consisting of white coded measurement targets with numbers 2-150. Ring diameter of center D1=5 mm. For permanently adhering to the workpiece.
Přidáno do nákupního košíku.
Measurement targets are fundamental components of the photogrammetric measurement system. They are used for signaling measurement points. Depending on the application, they are available in different sizes and materials. Permanent targets (P) are applicable even in high temperatures, up to 150°C (Retro-reflective up to 65°C). Removable targets (R) are easy to remove from the workpiece after finishing the measurement. Reusable targets (U) can be used multiple times and save costs. Magnetic targets (M) offer easy application and removability as well as reusability on magnetic surfaces.
Kódování | 14 Bit |
Typ reflektoru | Bílý bod |
Průměr (D1) | 5 mm |
Adhese | Permanentní (P) |
Materiál | Thermoscript 7874 EC |
Teplotní odolnost | - 40°C - 150°C |