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- Swift Change
- Kinematic Fixture Plate 300x300mm (Plain)
Kinematic Fixture Plate 300x300mm (Plain)
Kód produktu:
Ceny jsou platné pouze pro objednávky uskutečněné prostřednictvím internetového obchodu
Skladem – doba odeslání 1-2 dny
Rychlý přehled
The plain kinematic fixture plate can be repeatedly placed in exactly the same position on the top of a pre-mounted kinematic base plate, without the need for manual alignment.
Přidáno do nákupního košíku.
Swift-Fix enables operators to correctly fixture parts of different shapes, sizes and complexity. It saves time while increasing repeatability and reducing the potential for measurement error.
Kinematic fixture plates can be repeatedly placed in exactly the same position without the need for manual alignment, making it simple to mount fixtures on an automated CMM. The plates, which have a plain surface, are placed on top of a pre-mounted kinematic base plate.
For more information, please visit the Swift-Fix website or download the CAD-file of the part: Step File
Kompatibilita desek |
KB-250/250 KB-UNIVL |
Závi | M8 |
Velikost | 300 x 300 x 16 mm |
Materiál | Eloxovaný hliník |
Stáhnout CAD soubor | Popis |
Hmotnost | 5 500 g |