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Stylus Type
Machine Tool
- Laser Tracker
- Absolute Arm
- TESA Tools
- Other Accessories
Coordinate Measuring Machines
Metrology Software
Metrology Trainings
Metrology TrainingsProduction Trainings
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- Katalog
- Offers
- Absolute Arm
- Absolute Arm Base Stations
- Frame Base Station (910 x 610 x 935 mm)

Frame Base Station (910 x 610 x 935 mm)
Kód produktu:
Rychlý přehled
Workstation in frame construction with stable foots. Dimensions: 910 x 610 x 935 mm
Přidáno do nákupního košíku.
Workstation in frame construction with stable foots.
- Work station with an aluminium frame and a magnetic steel top plate with max. loading capacity 250 kg
- M8 threaded top plate allows the portable arm to be mounted directly onto it
- 50 mm hole pitch gives maximum flexibility and freedom to set up the right fixture for the job
- Stable foots
- Top-mounted laptop tray / monitor mount can be ordered separately (GB0005-0045)
Delivery Contents
1x Frame Base Station (Size: 910 x 610 x 935 mm)
Product Type | Frame Base Station |
Dimensions | 910 x 610 x 935 mm |
Design | Stable Foots |