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- Structured Light Scanners
- TurnTable 50
TurnTable 50
4 770,00 €
Az árak csak a webáruházon keresztül leadott rendelésekre érvényesek
Gyors áttekintés
Turntable for automated positioning of objects to be measured with hole grid plate pre‑drilled with M6 threaded holes for fixing elements.
Hozzáadva a kosarához.
An alternative to complex robot‑based automation solutions can be achieved through the combination of structured light
scanning technology with turntable. These productivity enhancing accessories allow a scanner to access every
side of the measurement object without repositioning – all relevant areas of the object can be captured while minimising the
number of single exposures.
Turntable 50 for automated positioning of objects to be measured with hole grid plate pre‑drilled with M6 threaded holes for fixing elements.
Technical data
- Power: DC 24V / 2A
- Dimension: 480 x 480 x 115 mm
- Load capacity: up to 50 kg
- Turn angle: 360°
- Speed: 2 RPM (rotation per min)
- Interface: USB 2.0
- Weight: 7 kg