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- CMM Enclosures
- TIGO SF Enclosure with Air Condition and Manual Doors

TIGO SF Enclosure with Air Condition and Manual Doors
Kód produktu:
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Rychlý přehled
Enclosure for TIGO SF with integrated air condition. Equipped with filter fans and manual doors as a cost-effective solution for CMM measurements at the production site. Dimensions: 1300 mm x 2000 mm x 2595 mm
Přidáno do nákupního košíku.
Enclosure for TIGO SF with integrated air condition. An enclosure is cost-effective solution for measurements in the production environment. It protect the valuable CMM from the most extreme workshop conditions.
- Enclosure dimensions: 1300 mm x 2000 mm x 2595 mm
- Filter Fans provide positive air pressure and ensures an effective shelter from dust and dirt
- Manual doors facilitate the user accessibility to the CMM
- Transparent construction allows all-around visibility
- Removeable panels with turnkey locks
- Internal LED light strips which do not affect the thermal measuring condition
- Integrated shelf for Jog Box and other accessories
- Mains power strip under the shelf
- Rotary Isolator for mains power
- Delivered in a flat-pack version for self-assembly
- Its simple design makes it extremely easy and fast to mount and set-up
Image for illustration purpose only and may differ from the product.