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SKU: FX-PR30__250

47,00 CHF

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Quick overview

Pillars are used to horizontally mount Swift-Fix elements. It adds both stability and height and can be fixed to either the base plate or the machine table.

Swift-Fix enables operators to correctly fixture parts of different shapes, sizes and complexity. It saves time while increasing repeatability and reducing the potential for measurement error.
Pillars are used to horizontally mount Swift-Fix elements. It adds both stability and height and can be fixed to either the base plate or the machine table.

For more information, please visit the Swift-Fix website or download the CAD-file of the part: Step File

Taille 30 x 30 x 250 mm
Matériau Aluminium 
Téléchargement de fichiers CAO Voir le descriptif 
Poids 208 g