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8 Product(s) found
SKU: H00006816-03
Quick overview:
Hexagon-branded protective cover for Absolute Arm size 3.5 - 4.5 m.
- Kompatibilita: Absolute Arm RA7, Absolute Arm RA8
- Doporučená velikost ramena: 3,5 - 4,5m
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SKU: H00006816-02
Quick overview:
Hexagon-branded protective cover for Absolute Arm size 2.5 - 3.0 m.
- Kompatibilita: Absolute Arm RA7, Absolute Arm RA8
- Doporučená velikost ramena: 2,5 - 3,0m
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SKU: H00006816-01
Quick overview:
Hexagon-branded protective cover for Absolute Arm size 1.5 - 2.0 m.
- Kompatibilita: Absolute Arm RA7, Absolute Arm RA8
- Doporučená velikost ramena: 1,5 - 2,0m
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SKU: W58-0001
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Rechargeable battery powered GPS location device that can be paired with assets in SFx AssetManagement to visualize location on dashboards and send helpful change events.
- Kompatibilita systému: Leica Absolute Tracker AT930, Leica Absolute Tracker AT960, Leica Absolute Tracker ATS600
- Komunikace: 2G mobilní síť
- Rozměry (D x Š x V): 70 x 51 x 12mm
- Stupeň krytí: IP67
- Životnost baterie: Až 180 dní
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SKU: W58-0002
Quick overview:
Rechargeable battery powered GPS location device that can be paired with assets in SFx AssetManagement to visualize location on dashboards and send helpful change events.
- Kompatibilita systému: Leica Absolute Tracker AT930, Leica Absolute Tracker AT960, Leica Absolute Tracker ATS600
- Komunikace: LTE (with 2G fallback)
- Rozměry (D x Š x V): 92 x 79 x 12mm
- Stupeň krytí: IP67
- Životnost baterie: Až 1 rok (2 h reporting interval)
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SKU: H00006817
Quick overview:
Hexagon-branded protective cover for Absolute Arm size 1.2 m.
- Kompatibilita: Absolute Arm RA7, Absolute Arm RA8
- Doporučená velikost ramena: 1,2m
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SKU: EBD-12865
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Fixture for securely holding tubes during measurement. Compatible with tubes up to Ø20 mm.
- Max. Tube Diameter: 0 - 20mm
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SKU: EBD-12866
Quick overview:
Fixture for securely holding tubes during measurement. Compatible with tubes from Ø20 mm to Ø70 mm.
- Max. Tube Diameter: 20 - 70mm
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