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Classroom Training for PC-DMIS Advanced Training - PC-DMIS GD&T - 2 days
Course summary/agenda:
The PC-DMIS Advanced GD&T course is targeted at individuals who have completed the PC-DMIS Level 1 course and wish to enhance their understanding of GD&T and how to implement that correctly in PC-DMIS. All GD&T types will be covered with practical examples throughout to aid learning. The course will provide a platform for trainees to create reports that follow the latest metrology standards, ensuring their workplace quality processes are based upon correct metrology data.
- Kurslevel: Level 2
Classroom Training for PC-DMIS Advanced Training - PC-DMIS GD&T - 2 days
Course summary/agenda:
The PC-DMIS Advanced GD&T course is targeted at individuals who have completed the PC-DMIS Level 1 course and wish to enhance their understanding of GD&T and how to implement that correctly in PC-DMIS. All GD&T types will be covered with practical examples throughout to aid learning. The course will provide a platform for trainees to create reports that follow the latest metrology standards, ensuring their workplace quality processes are based upon correct metrology data.
- Kurslevel: Level 2