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HR-MS3 3-Port Stylus Changer for HP-S-X1
ID: 03939491
Preis:  €1,500.00
Schnellübersicht:  3-port module for HP-S-X1 probes
  • Počet portů:  3
  • Související sonda:  HP-S-X1C, HP-S-X1H, HP-S-X1S
Auf Lager – Versand 1–2 Tage
HR-SB Standard Base for HR-MP Rack
ID: 03939493
Preis:  €228.00
Schnellübersicht:  Standard base with standard cylinder, standard fixation piece and mounting equipment
  • Ochrana proti nárazu:  Ne
  • Automatická rekalibrace:  Ne
Auf Lager – Versand 1–2 Tage
HR-AB Accurate Base for HR-MP Rack
ID: 03939494
Preis:  €750.00
Schnellübersicht:  Accurate base with accurate cylinder, accurate fixation piece and mounting equipment
  • Ochrana proti nárazu:  Ne
  • Automatická rekalibrace:  Ano
Auf Lager – Versand 1–2 Tage
HR-CR Crash Protection for HR-MP Rack
ID: 03939495
Preis:  €860.00
Schnellübersicht:  Optional crash protection for HR-MP racks
  • Ochrana proti nárazu:  Ano
  • Zdvih X/Y:  20mm
  • Zdvih Z:  10mm
  • Délka:  110mm
  • Průměr:  19,5mm
Auf Lager – Versand 1–2 Tage
Upgrade Pack to Standard HR-MP3-150L Rack
ID: 03939498
Preis:  €520.00
Schnellübersicht:  Upgrade pack to standard probe module changer rack
  • Ochrana proti nárazu:  Ne
  • Automatická rekalibrace:  Ne
Auf Lager – Versand 1–2 Tage
HR-MP Standard Base and Crash Protection Kit
ID: 03939496
Preis:  €1,360.00
Schnellübersicht:  Kit with standard base and crash protection
  • Ochrana proti nárazu:  Ano
  • Automatická rekalibrace:  Ne
Auf Lager – Versand 1–2 Tage
HR-MP Accurate Base and Crash Protection Kit
ID: 03939497
Preis:  €1,590.00
Schnellübersicht:  Kit with accurate base and crash protection
  • Ochrana proti nárazu:  Ano
  • Automatická rekalibrace:  Ano
Auf Lager – Versand 1–2 Tage
HR-MP3-90 Probe Module Changer Rack
ID: 03939480
Preis:  €2,160.00
Schnellübersicht:  3-Port probe module changer rack with a height of 90 mm
  • Počet portů:  3
  • Výška:  88mm
  • Ochrana proti nárazu:  Ano
Auf Lager – Versand 1–2 Tage
HR-MP6-90 Probe Module Changer Rack
ID: 03939481
Preis:  €2,370.00
Schnellübersicht:  6-port probe module changer rack with a height of 90 mm
  • Počet portů:  6
  • Výška:  88mm
  • Ochrana proti nárazu:  Ano
Auf Lager – Versand 1–2 Tage
HA-TT-A30 Angular Adapter DEG30
ID: 03969391
Preis:  €730.00
Schnellübersicht:  TKJ angular adapter 30° made of aluminium and stainless steel
Auf Lager – Versand 1–2 Tage
HA-TT-A0 Angular Adapter DEG0
ID: 03969390
Preis:  €730.00
Schnellübersicht:  TKJ angular adapter 0° made of aluminium and stainless steel
Auf Lager – Versand 1–2 Tage
HA-TT-A60 Angular Adapter DEG60
ID: 03969392
Preis:  €730.00
Schnellübersicht:  TKJ angular adapter 60° made of aluminium and stainless steel
Auf Lager – Versand 1–2 Tage
Vee Locator
Preis:  €25.00
Schnellübersicht:  Vee locator made of stainless steel for positioning round and cylindrical parts. It can be used with the flexible vice.
Auf Lager – Versand 1–2 Tage
Guide Rail (L = 480 mm)
Preis:  €236.00
Schnellübersicht:  The base plate guide rail can align acrylic base plates on the front, side or rear of the measuring envelope of a multisensor CMM.
  • Kompatibilita desek :  FV-200-200C, FV-200/200F, FV-200/200P
Auf Lager – Versand 1–2 Tage
Cone Adjustable (M4)
Preis:  €14.00
Schnellübersicht:  The M4 adjustable cone made of Delrin® is shaped to reduce direct contact with delicate parts and can be adjusted in height.
  • Závi:  M4
Auf Lager – Versand 1–2 Tage
Spring Pusher Standoff Clamp (D=8mm / L=10mm)
Preis:  €32.00
Schnellübersicht:  The lateral clamp comes with a tapered pressure button for easy positioning against a location face.
  • Délka:  10mm
  • Průměr:  8mm
Auf Lager – Versand 1–2 Tage
Acryl Baseplate 200x200x10mm(M4)-Perimeter Pattern
ID: FV-BP200__200P
Preis:  €263.00
Schnellübersicht:  Acrylic, transparent grid plate with M4 holes and magnetic mounting capability. For optical measuring systems to use on multisensor CMM.
  • Závi:  M4
Auf Lager – Versand 1–2 Tage
Centering Pin
Preis:  20,00 €
Schnellübersicht:  Centering pin has direct contact with the part and locates it precisely in the right position. It can be used with the flexible vice.
  • Závi:  M4
Auf Lager – Versand 1–2 Tage
Swift-Fix Vision - Full Kit
Preis:  2.116,00 €
Schnellübersicht:  With the Swift-Fix Fullkit all fixture requirements for multisensor CMMs can be met. The components are stored in a dedicated case, ensuring individual items are always easy to find.
  • Závi:  M4
  • Určeno pro:  Multisensor CMM
Auf Lager – Versand 1–2 Tage
Acryl Baseplate 200x200x10mm (M4) - Cross Pattern
ID: FV-BP200__200C
Preis:  263,00 €
Schnellübersicht:  Acrylic, transparent grid plate with M4 holes and magnetic mounting capability. For optical measuring systems to use on multisensor CMM.
  • Závi:  M4
Auf Lager – Versand 1–2 Tage