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- M3-Stylus (R-1-TC-0.7-L20)

Rychlý přehled
Straight stylus with M3 thread, ruby ball Ø1 mm, tungsten carbide stem, length 20 mm. For use on machine tools. Previous part number: 21.00-T20/1-HM-M3
Hexagon original accessories for measurement systems on machine tools ensure highest precision and reliability in the production.
The stylus is an important part of the measuring system. During the measurement, the stylus is in direct contact with the part. Straight styli are the most common type used in the metrology industry. Depending on the application, different connections, materials for stems and tips are available.
Ruby is the most widely-used material for stylus tips. Thanks to its inexpensive price and high quality, it is the standard choice for most applications. It is an extremely hard material.
A tungsten carbide stem has high stiffness and less thermal expansion, compared to stainless steel.
All images are for illustration purposes only and may differ from the actual product.
Previous Part Number | 21.00-T20/1-HM-M3 |
Zařízení | Obráběcí stroj |
Závi | M3 |
Materiál kuličky | Rubín |
Průměr zakončení (D) | 1 mm |
Délka (L) | 20 mm |
Materiál dříku | Karbid wolframu |
Průměr dříku (S) | 0.7 mm |
Hmotnost | 0,7 g |